me? i'm just somewhere in between. from the door opening ceremony upon key collection to having precise measurements on various carpentry work, i'm only tapping the most basic knowledge, hoping that things will run smoothly in my brand new flat.
speaking of fengshui, i gotten this new tool. older folks would use this especially when they custom-made a worship altar. another area which this tool is common used would be the kitchen, to measure the distance between the stove (fire) and sink (water) ~ as the chinese saying go, fire and water dont mix.
it's just like any other ordinary measuring tape, except that it's double sided. the other side of this tape show various red and black chinese character.
since i'm also quite new to this item, it's best that one consult the right and experienced person to interpret the meaning.
btw, it's not a must buy item for new residence - usually your contractor or interior designer will have one. simply tell him to build your carpentry according to the 风水尺, he will simply do the rest.
congrats to your new place.