The inside of the electrical riser.
After pulling for some time, we realised that the very delicate fibre cable given to us was only 3 meters. We need more than this to pull it to the tv console because the existing wiring was not run parallel with the electrical riser. Instead, the electrician has it run UP to the false ceiling then down again - in a inverted "U" shape.
These pictures were from my Day 14 of Reno.
The bunch of wires coming our from the partition.
Red square = Openet Point. Left point arrow = pull cable into electrical riser.
Remaining 3 arrows shows the running of the wires INSIDE the partition.
Mad rush to the nearest IT store to get an extra long fibre cable!
Ten meters!! More than enough!!
Not sure of market price nor the cheapest find at Sim Lim...but let's cut the chase since we only applied a day's leave and travelling, parking is too much of a hassle!
. . . continue tag of war . . .
... and out came our pulley!!! OMG!! The fibre cable is still somewhere inside the partition!!
The installation got off a bad start, now this type of crap!!
Stop joking me!! I havnt got whole day!!
We have no choice but to call our ID, Rick for help. Do you know Rick left A&D??
(Will blog it in another post).
Called him at 1335hrs and he arrived at our door steps 20 minutes later!! He's as efficient as ever!
He came, we chat, he had a look-see, we calmed down, he made a call to his carpenter closed.
At exactly 1500hrs, 30 minutes after Rick left, Mr Mok is here to our rescue!!
Chubby hands aside, we have difficultly setting up wiring thru that pathetic 3" hole.
So Pay Master requested Mr Mok to do another opening - but in actual fact... he still believe that there's a chance of finding the fibre cable there - parallel to the electrical riser.
Who says blogging is a waste of time! It's about documenting the happenings!! Thanks to my blog, I pointed out how the wiring was run by the previous electrician and therefore on a very lucky 2nd attempt, we located the loose end of the fibre cable!!
Finally - no more funny business!
All plaster up smoothly - now let's till weekend for us to get a can of paint to paint over it.
Now the cable / wiring are all tucked nicely away!!
Again - let's sit on it till weekend to plaster that ugly "drill-scar".
All 4 devices sitting within the console.
Hang back the tv - it's all nice again.
NOW - do not ask me about heating issues inside that very limited space! I've already voiced out my concern but if the Pay Master wants it this way - then that be it.